Ski trails: Classic tracks have some wind-blown debris in them but are in decent shape. Due to the delicate base, groomers are waiting to reset classic tracks until the ski race this Saturday. Snowshoe trails: Open Skating pond: Open Large tubing hill: closed
Minocqua Trail Reports
Prepare for your outdoor adventure in Minocqua, WI by checking our weekly trail reports. See snowmobile trails, cross-country ski trails, snowshoe trails, fat tire biking trails, and an ice fishing report. Updated: 1/30/25
Silent Sports
Minocqua Winter Park: Great
Lambo Trails: Open, Soft
Trail Condition: Open, Soft Zip Trails: Open. Snow covered and soft.
Raven Trail: Good
Trail Conditions: Green and Blue loops were leveled and tracked and are in good condition. There are still a few thin areas. A new track was set on the Red loop everywhere there is enough snow to do so. Overall condition of the red loop is fair with some areas of...
Snowmobile Trails
Condition: Poor to Fair
After this past weekends heavy traffic and lack of snow to work with, trails are poor to fair conditions. Corners are washed out and snort in the trails. We are not grooming until we get more snow. Vilas county is open, Oneida county is still closed!
Condition: Rideable
All Flambeau lakes are marked. Fence Lake has ice heaves. PLEASE STAY ON MARKED TRAIL! OPEN WATER AND THIN ICE CAN OCCUR NEAR A HEAVE. Other area lakes also have ice heaves this year. Say on marked trails and ride at your own risk.
Snow Conditions
Area snow conditions
Ice Fishing Report