Minocqua • Arbor Vitae • Woodruff • Hazelhurst
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Let's Minocqua Staff

Meet the good people who work at the Let's Minocqua Visitors Bureau while checking out our 24-hour Welcome Center!

Krystal Headshot

Krystal Westfahl President & CEO


Barb Wagoner Managing Director

Dianna headshot

Dianna Lang Customer Relations Representative

Kailey Headshot

Kailey Barutha Digital Marketing Manager

Sherry headshot

Sherry Hulett Sports & Group Sales Director

Keri Headshot

Keri Kelley Design & Events Coordinator

Board Members & Officers 2023-2024

John Eppes (President), Owner Bear Naked Technologies 

Brian Pagani, (Vice President)Sales and Revenue Manager The Waters of Minocqua

Jerry Bybee (Treasurer), V.P. Commercial Banking  Nicolet National Bank

Christie Terkelson (Secretary), Owner Northfork Fin and Filet

Jason Hesch, Owner Slumberland Minocqua

Stephen Coon, Manager Coontail

Melissa Doering, Branch Manager Associated Bank Minocqua 

Wendy Hull, Timeshare Coordinator The Beacons of Minocqua 

Brigit Haucke, Owner/Manager Nitschke's Northern Resort 

Ken Korsch, Owner/Manager Korsch Properties

Michael Tautges, Minocqua Museum Board 

Are you interested in serving on our Board of Directors?

Any partner in good standing who aspires to serve on the Board of Directors must complete the Board of Directors’ Application. An application does not guarantee a nomination or appointment, but if chosen, the Board offers a rewarding experience and ensures Board members the opportunity to make the most of their talents and expertise while benefiting the communities and visitors bureau.
If you have questions regarding participation on the Board or the nomination process, please contact Krystal Westfahl, President & CEO at 715.356.5266 or krystal@minocqua.org. Fill out this application to being the process today!