Minocqua • Arbor Vitae • Woodruff • Hazelhurst
1 OF

Room Tax Grant Application

Funding Overview:

Room tax funds are received from the communities of Minocqua, Arbor Vitae, Woodruff, and Hazelhurst. The grants are reviewed monthly by the Let's Minocqua Board of Directors ("board"). 

The board is comprised of lodging members of the communities and board members from Let's Minocqua Visitors Bureau. The room tax grants will be awarded on a monthly basis & distributed annually. 

$50,000 is available annually through the grant application process. Funding is devoted to businesses, communities, and non-profit groups within the room tax zone for tourism development and promotion in the Minocqua area. The Board will consider applications from non-profit groups and organizations that provide marketing and focus on bringing people to the Minocqua area along with developing the destination. The Board will also consider applications from non-profit groups and organizations that offer activities or events that will encourage people to stay longer. If funds are granted, the Let's Minocqua logo will need to be present at events and all development projects as the grantor.

The Board will not provide room tax funds for an organization's operating expenses, volunteer pay, or stipends.

Application Deadlines:

Applications are reviewed monthly. The 2024 grant cycle will end when the $50,000 has been allocated through approved grant applications or September, 30th, 2024, whichever comes first. 

Application Process:

Funds granted are for the Fiscal Year they are approved. You will need to resubmit the application if you intend on requesting monies in subsequent years. 

Please review the grant guidelines, complete the entire application and include the required attachments.

Applicant Information

Project/Event Information

Use N/A for project submissions.

Use N/A for project submissions.

Use N/A for project submissions.

Use N/A for project submissions.

Use N/A for project submissions.


Funding Information


If yes, Please Describe Below


What is the total amount your organizations will directly provide in funding this project?

Organization Information

Required for all past award winners. You will be required to provide a recap on how the funds were utilized from the previous year and if you saw an increase in participation, overnight stays, and/or spectator growth. This review of funds spent will allow your eligibility for future funding. Please upload your recap document here:

Proposal Summary

Please submit your Proposal Summary by uploading it below. The Proposal Summary should include the following information. 

1) A list of your Board of Directors.

2) A brief summary explaining the primary benefits of your program or event as it relates to this grant addressing the questions and specifications listed below. For events, please provide detailed event schedules, dates, duration, frequency and venues (2-page maximum).

a. Provide:

   1.) Description, including history/background of the event.

   2.) How your event will increase visitation and/or enhance the visitor experience

   3.) How it will impact your organization. Include expected percentage increases in customers, overnight visitation, and estimated economic impact.

b. If your project cannot be fully funded, how would you adapt the project?

c. Explain how your project fits into the current tourism and events landscape? Is there a need for this kind of program/event?

d. Identify competing projects or like-events held within a 30 mile radius?

e. Outline how you intend to evaluate the project/events (i.e. survey methods, ticket sales, key performance indicators (KPI’s), etc.) and whether this varies from the most recent method applied to this project/event.

3) A marketing plan for attracting out-of-market visitors to the Minocqua Area. (1-page maximum), Include specific media and public relations plan, target markets, advertising plans, and other out of area promotional plans.

4) A proposed budget for the project with Tourism Grant request line-item detail(1-page maximum).

5) Methods for calculating attendance statistics (surveys, ticket sales, etc.) and hotel room nights.

6) A copy of your sponsorship benefits package if applicable.


I am the authorized party from this organization to submit and release this information to the Committee

* Indicates a required field.